Message from OFJ President : Asian Pacific Islander Violence

Since our founding fathers established the Officers for Justice Peace Officers Association in 1968, we have upheld our historical commitment of standing up for people against discrimination and issues of unjust treatment in San Francisco as well as on a national level. As the President of the Officers For Justice (OFJ), I bring you a message that we stand in solidarity for peace and harmony in our communities. We seek to be an amalgamated voice, mind and spirit focused on bridging communication gaps between law enforcement and disenfranchised underrepresented communities. For those of you who do not know the OFJ we fought and sued San Francisco and the San Francisco Police Department for its blatant racist practices and policies in 1968. It was not until 1973 that the OFJ won the historical and first Consent Decree lawsuit to bring Blacks, Asians, Latin X, women and LGBTQ officers into the San Francisco Police Department. Courageous members of the San Francisco Branch of the NAACP, Public Advocates, and Chinese for Affirmative Action assisted us. Working together as diverse groups in camaraderie …. we all won. BLACK LIVES MATTER, API LIVES MATTER, AND OF COURSE WE CAN & WILL AFFIRM THAT RIGHTFULLY & CONSTITUTIONALLY ALL LIVES DO MATTER!!!

As I reflect on the 400 plus years the Black community has endured Racelighting; I must say it is extremely disheartening to witness the Asian culture also have to deal with systemic racist acts of aggression. For the acts against your seniors by those who appear to resemble me, by skin tone only, I along with my elders and ancestors, apologize. We are not a culture trained to promote hatred. We are witnessing systemic oppression that has been magnified by Trumpets, closed-minded individuals, who chose to demonstrate their cowardly animalistic acts upon defenseless seniors. These xenophobic sentiments are repulsive. Both of our cultures are considered outsiders in the “Amerikan” culture. My brothers and sisters, We will jointly create a new revolution against all injustices! On a personal note, I will never support the silencing of any human being. However, I do caution us to agree to meet privately to resolve these and other issues while focusing on Unity in our Communities.  

We cannot continue to allow a select bias few, along with the media, to act with runaway imposing false narratives that facilitate mistrust between us. Aiding in divisive methods hampers truth, destroys certain leaders, promotes micro-insults, micro assaults, bias, supremacy, false senses of entitlements, which jointly ignite hatred. These issues are everyone’s issues. We are You. You are Us, and We are One! It is best for us to break bread with one another and engage in meaningful engagement centered on agreed-upon written understandings so that neither of us is harmed. Our communities should not let our mutual heartaches and tribulations be exploited and sensationalized by the media and those who know that there is power and underlying success when the indigenous people are on one accord.   

It's not easy to ask for help, but I know that there are many here today who are also seeking a peaceful outcome. Our community leaders must prepare our written and agreed-upon rules on engagement must also include a clause that stipulates if either of us has a perceived issue with a member of another ethnicity, we should seek out the identified elders of that culture to establish a meeting place to collectively discuss and mutually decide on the consequences for the action. As we fight for equity, it cannot be at the expense of another minority or marginalized group of people. It is time to end all forms of “isms.” According to the Constitution, we are all guaranteed equality and the right to engage in freedom of speech.

We are all living in troubled times; there are some who engage in animalistic behavior, this is not us. Man is the only creature on earth who destroys life without the proper level of consciousness. Throughout our history, the Black culture has fought for racial and social justice. We have all been victimized by the same oppressor who utilized our labor. To this day, the oppressor continues to traumatize us through political propaganda. Collectively we can bring about the change we all seek. Remember, in 2021, it is not by chance but through divine intervention that our Vice President of the United States is Black and Asian. It behooves us to seek the divine infinite wisdom of our elders for systemic understanding and peaceful outcomes. We stand in solidarity for Unity in Our Community. Power to the Indigenous People of the World! Power to the Black People, Power to our Asian and Pacific Islander People! Power to Unity in the Community!

“I am Sister Soldier, the Minister of Peace”                                                                                     Union Square--------3/27/2021

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